We are a collective insistent on supporting each other via the medium of electronic and rhythmical based music. We challenge traditional artist-label relationships, functioning as a shared channel connected and enabled by free association. We are anti-capitalist. We do not align with the profit-motive nor believe in a society that does so. We cultivate a practice of anarcho-collectivism with voluntary, iterative and decentralised creativity around common interests. We are radicals.

“You cannot buy the Revolution. You cannot make the Revolution. You can only be the Revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.”

– The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin

Get involved & support

Get involved

Get involved

25 members


Our aim is to offer a space for us to support each other and share our efforts in challenging what needs challenging via electronic music.
  • There are no privileges in being a member
  • This does not belong to us
  • We are not special
  • Enjoy the music
Monthly small donation

Monthly small donation

2 members

$1.00 per month

If you are a Patreon wanting to switch, or prefer to support us through a monthly amount, then this is for you. FW, the service our website is built on, offers DM services but only in paid tiers. We recommend all members to chat via our Discord. We won't hold stuff beyond a paywall.
  • Cheaper than Patreon
  • DM's, but we recommend using our Discord as it's free

Keeping the lights on

We have set up donations to provide you another way to support us in continuing our efforts via electronically generated music. We are actively challenging how we understand, create, collaborate, operate and consume music, looking to the past and the present, all to better understand a future. We don't offer anything more for donating, no privileges or entitlements. We don't wish to practice locking or holding back based on your monetary contributions. What we do obviously costs money, (we live under capitalism after all) time and effort, just like anything, so we will continue to do what we can in whatever way we believe in, regardless of the amount or type of support. This is about providing you with another way to support us, should this suit and should you wish to. Thanks for all that you do. Enjoy the music.
